It is with pleasure that we offer the PCE2022 ONLINE CONFERENCE as a valuable option for all those who might not be able to travel, or fear travelling in light of the COVID pandemic. PCE2022 is primarily an IN PERSON conference, and the ONLINE CONFERENCE offers streaming for all the main sessions for the PCE2022 IN PERSON conference. But the ONLINE CONFERENCE also has is own unique features and a powerful social networking platform. It is easy to use, and integrates the IN PERSON & ONLINE communities at the PCE2022 conference. It also offers an attractive price structure for students and economically challenged persons. We belive the ONLINE CONFERENCE makes PCE2022 even better!
The intuitive and easy to use online conference program is a central part of both the IN PERSON and ONLINE conference.
Check out the ONLINE CONFERENCE features HERE
Go to registration HERE
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