Scientific Committee
Scientific Committee Steering Group

David Murphy
PhD, AFBPsS, Professor of Psychology and Education, University of Nottingham, UK
Chair of PCE2022 Scientific Committee.

Niels Bagge
MA in psychology.
Authorized psychologist.
Specialist and supervisor in psychotherapy.
Chair of DSPOP.
Chair of PCE2022 Organizing Committee.

Greet Vanaerschot
Clinical psychologist, Phd, Professor in Psychotherapy at University of Antwerp, Belgium.

Ladislav Timulak
The Scientific Committee Members

Akira Ikemi
Ph.D., Certified Clinical Psychologist.
Professor, Kansa University.
Graduate School of Psychology.

William B. Stiles

Jeffrey H. D. Cornelius-White
PsyD, LPC, Assistant Department Head, Counseling, Leadership and Special Education.
Professor of Counseling, Missouri State University.

Rhonda Goldman
PhD, LCP, Professor, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology.

Susan Stephen

Maria Kefalopoulou
PhD, ECP, Academic Lead at ICPS-College for Humanistic Sciences, Greece.

Yukishige Nakata
Ph.D., professor at Kansai University.

Jeannette Bischkopf
PhD, Professor of Psychology, University of Applied Sciences Kiel, Germany.

Michael Behr
PhD, certified psychotherapist.
Prof. emeritus at the University of Education, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany.

Jean-Marc Randin

Tomonori Motoyama

Akiko Do
PhD, certified clinical psychologist.
Certified licenced psychologist.
Certifying Coordinator of TIFI (The International Focusing Institute).
Professor at Kobe Gakuin University.

Carol Wolter-Gustafson

Susanna Markowitsch
Certified psychotherapist.
Trainer at APG.IPS, Vienna, Austria

Jeanne Watson
PhD, (C.Psych.).
APA Fellow.
Professor, University of Toronto

Sheila Haugh
UKCP Registered Psychotherapist.
Client-Centred Therapist.
Supervisor, trainer and consultant, Management Coach, Training Consultant – Training Factory.
Praha, Czechia; MSc Contemporary Client-Centred Psychotherapy (Primary Tutor), Metanoia Institute, London UK

Renate Motschnig
PhD, certified psychologist, AFBPsS
Associate professor at the University of Nottingham

Gillian Proctor
University of Leeds

Ellen Gunst
PhD, certified psychologist.
Member of the BFP (Belgian Federation of Psychologists).
Head practitioner of a forensic unit at Psychiatric Center Sint-Amandus, Beernem (Belgium).
Staff member of the postgraduate training program Integrative Psychotherapy at the University of Antwerp

Siebrecht Vanhooren
PhD, licensed clinical psychologist.
Assistant professor at KU Leuven (Belgium)

Marjorie Witty
PhD, Licensed Clinical Psychologist in Private Practice.
Training staff at Chicago Counselling Associates.
Professor, Illinois School of Professional Psychology, Retired.

Arthur C. Bohart

Robert Elliott
PhD, Professor of Counselling University of Strathclyde.

Keith Tudor
Dr. Keith Tudor, PhD
Professor of Psychotherapy, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand

Ciro Caro
PhD, certified psychologist.
Associate professor at the Comillas Pontifical University (Madrid).

Alberto Zucconi Clinical Psychology
President, Istituto dell’Approccio Centrato sulla Persona (IACP), Chair Board of Trustees World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS)

Dion Van Werde
M.A. Psychologist
Certified Person-Centered/Experiential Psychotherapist
Certified Pre-Therapy Trainer co-founder and coordinator of the Pre-Therapy International Network

Manu Bazzano
Freelance Lecturer to International Universities and Colleges

Kirill Kryuchkov
Research assistant – National Research University Higher School of Economics (Russia), Lecturer – Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis, Board Member – WAPCEPC, Board Member – RCPCA

Brian Rodger
Senior Lecturer, University of Auckland

Claudio Adrian Rud
Medico Psiquiatra
Director of Casabierta

Martin van Kalmthout
(emeritus) associate professor Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Lieven Migerode
Clinical Psychologist, MA.
University Psychiatric Hospital UPCKULEUVEN , EFT Trainer in Belgium

William R. Miller
Emeritus Distinguished Professor of Psychology

Allan Zuckoff

Christopher C. Wagner
Associate Professor