Use the link "GO TO REGISTRATION" to access the registration platform. Se types of registrations, registration information, and registration terms and conditions below.
From 10. June 2022 you can register either for 1) Full conference or 2) Day pass
1) Full Conference Registration (IN PERSON or ONLINE): You need to be registered to the main IN PERSON conference to be able to register for the pre-conference, gala dinner and cultural program, plus register guests for the opening and gala dinner. IN PERSON registration also gives access to the full ONLINE conference.
2) Day Pass Registration (IN PERSON): You can register for any number of IN PERSON day pass. You can not combine day pass with full conference registration items. Day Pass is only IN PERSON (not ONLINE).
If you want to use the member of WAPCEPC fee, please join WAPCEPC (click here)
For student fee, you must be able to present a valid student ID at registration
Early bird price ended 1st April 2022


Main Conference
A registration for the IN PERSON MAIN CONFERENCE you will get the following:
- Access to the 5 days of the main conference (4- 8 July 2022) at Scandic Copenhagen
- Opening and Closing sessions with lectures, debate, ceremonies and art performance
- Social gathering after the opening and during the poster session
- Printed conference book with program, abstracts, participant list and info
- Access to full Online Conference in the online conference program at the Oxford Abstracts platform: Full instantly updated program, all abstracts, poster gallery, social exchange, access to online material.
- Video recordings of main sessions and 2 tracks of sessions each day - in the online conference program
- Coffee, tea, & water during all days
- Sandwich buffet 5 - 7 July
Registration Fee
Early bird:
- Members of WAPCEPC - 650Euro/4.875 DK
- Non-Members - 750 Euro/5.625 DKK
- Student - 450 Euro/3.375 DKK
- Members of WAPCEPC - 750 Euro/5.625 DKK
- Non-Members - 850 Euro/6.375 DKK
- Student - 550 Euro/4.125 DKK
Pre Conference
A registration for the IN PERSON PRE CONFERENCE you will get the following:
- Access to the 2 days of the pre conference (2- 3 July 2022) at GlobalHagen venue
- Choice between day workshops or encounter group
- Community Encounter Group Space
- Social gathering 2 July in the garden of GlobalHagen
- PCE Cinema
- Online program at the Oxford Abstracts platform
- Coffee, tea, water, snacks during all days
Registration Fee
- Members of WAPCEPC - 175 Euro/1.325 DKK
- Non-Members - 250 Euro/1.875 DKK
- Student - 125 Euro/950 DKK
- Leslie Greenberg workshop extra fee - 50 Euro/375 DKK
Gala Dinner
A registration for the GALA DINNER you will get the following:
- Guided boat tour in canals of Copenhagen to the restaurant
- Welcome drink
- 3 course dinner with beverage
- Surprise entertainment
- Late night dance and bar
Registration Fee
- Gala Dinner - 120 Euro/900 DKK
Cultural Tours
A registration for the CULTURAL TOURS you will get the following:
- A unique cultural experience
- A professional tour guide
- A PCE2022 tour manager
- Transport to site (not city-walks)
- Good company with PCE friends
Registration Fee
- Louisiana Museum of Modern Art - 50 Euro/375 DDKK
- Roskilde – Capital of the Vikings - 50 Euro/375 DDKK
- City Walk - In the Foot Steps of Kierkegaard - 25 Euro/190 DKK
- City Walk - Freetown Christania - 25 Euro/190 DKK
- City Walk -Copenhagen and the LGBTI+-society - 25 Euro/190 DKK
- City Walk - Queens Copenhagen - 25 Euro/190 DKK
As an IN PERSON attendee you can bring guests to the following events
- Conference Opening with social gathering
- Gala Dinner
Registration Fee
Added to an IN PERSON registration :
- Conference Opening - 50 Euro/375 DKK
- Gala Dinner - 120 Euro/900 DKK
Online Conference
A registration for the ONLINE CONFERENCE you will get the following:
- Access to the PCE2022 Online Conference Platform
- Streaming and recording from the IN PERSON Conference of opening and closing sessions, keynote talks, semi-plenary talks , 2 tracks of parallel sessions, WAPCEPC General Assembly
- Pre-recorded online only presentation accessed all the time
- Online poster gallery (ONLINE + IN PERSON)
- Online conference program: Full instantly updated program, all abstracts, poster gallery, social exchange, access to online material.
- Online encounter groups via Zoom in the conference platform
- Online social gatherings via Zoom in the conference platform
- Online social networking between attendees (ONLINE + IN PERSON) with chat and zoom-like video chat. Create group rooms for meetings.
- Access to online exhibitor booths with special conference offers.
Registration Fee
Early bird:
- Members of WAPCEPC - 450 Euro/3.375 DK
- Non-Members - 550 Euro/4.125 DKK
- Student - 300 Euro/2.250 DKK
- Members of WAPCEPC - 550 Euro/4.125 DKK
- Non-Members - 650 Euro/4.875 DKK
- Student - 400 Euro/3000 DKK
Registration & Services

Registration information
On-line registration
Registration on-line use the link "GO TO REGISTRATION" no later later than 1st July, 2022.
On-site registration
Registration made later than 1st July, 2022 will be considered as on-site registration and consequently minor delays at the registration desk, in connection with issuing of documentation and settlement of accounts, must be anticipated.
Final registration
Participants must register at the registration desk upon arrival to the conference venue (Scandic Copenhagen). Please remember to bring your confirmation of registration.
Registration desk - opening hours during the conference
Saturday, 2nd July 08:00 – 9:00 hrs. (pre-conference)
Monday, 4th July 13:00 – 18:00 hrs.
Tuesday, 5th July 08:00 – 16:00 hrs.
Wednesday, 6th July 08.30 – 16.00 hrs.
Thursday, 7th July 08.30 – 16.00 hrs.
Conference secretariat
DIS Congress Service A/S
Lautruphøj 1-3
DK-2750 Ballerup, Denmark
Telephone: +45 4492 4492
Telefax: +45 4492 5050
Payment must be made in Danish Kroner (DKK) to the order of PCE, c/o DIS Congress Service and remitted as follows:
- by bank transfer to account no. 4180-4180109625 (PCE 2022). IBAN DK8230004180109625
Swift code: DABADKKK in Danske Bank, Holmens Kanal 2, DK-1090 Copenhagen K, Denmark.
- by electronic invoice (only for Danish delegates). På grund af den lange ekspeditionstid for EAN-fakturaer, er denne betalingsmåde ikke mulig senere end 30 dage før konferencens start. EAN-gebyret er på DKK 39.
- by charging your credit card
IMPORTANT: Please remember to state PCE 2022 and the participant’s name on all money transfers made to the Conference secretariat.
If you have made a late payment, please bring copy of the payment to the conference.
Registration Terms and Conditions
An official confirmation of registration will be e-mailed to the participant upon receipt of registration fees. Please remember to bring your proof of payment for presentation upon request.
It is your personal responsibility that all details such as address, booked events, number of tickets, hotel reservation, date of arrival and departure, etc. are in accordance to your wishes. We therefore strongly recommend that you read and check the confirmation of registration carefully to avoid errors. In the event of any errors in the confirmed, please contact DIS Congress Service in writing.
Cancellation of participation (a written request is mandatory)
Pre-registered participants who are unable to attend the conference will have their paid fees reimbursed less a processing fee of DKK 400 provided written notice of non-attendance is received by the Conference secretariat before 1st June, 2022. All refunds will be processed after the conference. If a cancellation is made after this date no refund of the fee can be expected. Written notice of non-attendance has to be sent to the Conference secretariat. All refunds will be processed after the conference.

Conference Bursary
The PCE2022 offers a helping hand to participants who are in a economical weak situation. You can be in an economical weak situation for many reasons, and this help is not only for person from an economical weak region in the world, but can also be due to other conditions. The PCE2022 bursary fund can offer up tp 50% reduction of your fee. If you think you are entitled to help, you can apply to the organizing committee for a reduction in the fee. Please describe your financial situation and other relevant factors in your application. We will consider each application individually and there can be an individual talk with you to learn about your situation in order to decide on the reduction. If you are a group that find you are entitled to bursary, you can apply as group too.
Please write your application to the organizing committee at
Deadline for bursary application: 25 May 2022
We ask for your understanding that we are only able to offer a limited amount of registration possibilities with a reduced rate.
If you are in an economical strong situation you have the option to donate to the PCE2022 bursary fund. You can do so when you register, or contact Niels Bagge at